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Meadowbank Stadium is located within the centre of Dorking.

The address is: Meadowbank Football Ground, Mill Lane, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1DX

There is restricted parking at the stadium itself, therefore parking is offered to match staff, however, there are numerous car parks within a short walk.

Furthermore, there is some free parking in residential areas close to the ground, however we politely ask that when parking here you are considerate to our neighbours.

Below is a list of car parks and information about them:

1. St Martins Walk Car Park, RH4 1DX
Located next to the stadium
372 spaces including disabled and motorcycle bays
Maximum 2-minute walk
RingGo Code: 5632 (short stay)/5643 (long stay)
This car park is often full on matchdays so please arrive early!

2. Southside Car Park, RH4 1AE
Located behind Sainsbury’s
181 spaces including disabled and motorcycle bays
7-minute walk to the stadium
RingGo code: 5628

3. Wathen Road Car Park, RH4 1YA
104 spaces including disabled and motorcycle bays
5-minute walk to the stadium
RingGo code: 5626

4. Reigate Road Car Park, RH4 1SD
Located behind Dorking Halls
254 spaces including disabled and motorcycle bays
10-minute walk to the stadium
RingGo code: 5631

5. Pippbrook Car Park, RH4 1SJ
Located opposite Dorking Halls and next to the Mole Valley Council buildings.
143 spaces including disabled and motorcycle bays
9-minute walk to the stadium
RingGo: N/A

All these car parks are charged at a rate of £1 an hour from 8am – 6pm Monday to Saturday. Minimum stay of 60 minutes.

RingGo is a mobile app available to download which allows you to pay for parking over your phone through the use of credit or debit cards. Please note, when using RingGo additional charges may apply.

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